Prepping for a Cookie-less Future: Michael Hamburger Featured on Forbes
Jul 19, 2023

By now, we’ve all grown to know and love having to accept cookies on websites over the last few years. As marketers, the valuable data they have provided in being able to track and continue to engage customers has been crucial, but the era of the third-party cookie is slated to come to an end. So where do we go from here? How do we continue to use data to effectively market to customers long after they’ve visited our customer’s assets? While we may have a bit of time left with third-party cookies, we’re going to need to think about what comes next when collecting data.

As data starts to move from third-party cookies to first-party, it is going to be less and less effective to rely on servers you don’t control to give you an accurate picture of how customers are interacting with your campaigns. Without having that accurate data picture, marketers could be leading their clients down a costly path of confusion and missed opportunities, all while having to justify budgets that underproduce. Having an eye on how to use first party data to your advantage is going to make all the difference for marketers in a post third-party cookie world. 

Ezzey’s own Michael Hamburger was recently featured on Forbes talking about how we are looking to the future of data utilization.

Harnessing the power of data is our top priority. It will guide us in our strategic direction, enabling informed decisions and insights into customer behavior, market trends, and business performance.”

He also continues to speak on how we as an agency are leaning into artificial intelligence and machine learning to maximize data for the future. You can read the full article here.

The key takeaway as we look towards a future without third party data to rely on is that we’re going to need to be more intentional about how we collect data and what we do with it. It is our responsibility to be transparent about data collection, giving customers the piece of mind that they can trust the businesses they interact with. When trust is built, we can use that customer data more effectively and build more relevant audiences who are ready to engage. This simple combination of trust and first party data stands to drive far more meaningful brand interactions, and ultimately more revenue for our clients. A win all the way around by any measure.

Regardless of what type of cookie we’re going to be working with, data collection is going to be here for a long, long time. Agencies that start to embrace first party data today are going to be well positioned to act on valuable insights while giving clients the best shot at tracking success. Here at Ezzey, data isn’t just one thing, it’s the only thing.  And We’re ready to help guide you into the dawn of the first party cookie era. To learn more about how Ezzey can set you up for the future of data collection, Contact us today!